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Media Kit Usage Policy

Thank you for your interest in promoting World Famous Taco Man LLC! We provide a selection of images in our Media Kit exclusively for customers who have booked our catering services. These images may only be used for creating promotional material related to our catering at your event.

Please note:
✅ Customer Use Only – Only clients who have booked our catering may use these images.
✅ Event Promotion Only – The images are for promoting our catering at your event and not for any other purpose.
❌ No Unauthorized Use – Any other use of our media, including commercial, editorial, or digital marketing outside of event promotion, requires prior written permission.
❌ Trademark Protection – All images and branding are registered trademarks of World Famous Taco Man LLC and are protected by law.

For any additional usage requests, please contact us for authorization. Unauthorized use may result in legal action.

Thank you for respecting our brand!

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